Ewha: Tips on School Life

Source: Ewha Womans University

Hey guys, I’m back with another post for this week. In this post, I will provide some tips on school life that may be helpful to international students. Read on to find more!

First, do not be afraid of independence or loneliness. It can be daunting to live in a foreign environment and a culture that is different from what you are used to. It takes time to adapt to a new environment. You will have to make a lot of decisions on your own. However, you will learn and grow in this process so do not worry too much. Try and make friends through different events on and off campus so that you won’t feel too lonely. If you’re feeling homesick, maybe you can go to a restaurant that sells your country’s food to temporarily cure your homesickness.

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Ewha: Information on Using the Library

Source: Ewha Womans University

Hello! This post will be about the Central Library at Ewha. The library is a great study spot and you can also meet with your group mates for projects at the seminar rooms in the library. The library’s website is http://lib.ewha.ac.krĀ and this is extremely helpful when you are doing research and writing papers. After you login with your student ID and password, you can search for articles in the catalogue or go to the Databases page and visit different databases to find articles relevant to your subject of interest. I highly recommend you to utilise this as the library gives you access to a majority of the databases for free so that you can find information easily. One of my favourite uses of the library’s website!

Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 15.50.25
Source: http://lib.ewha.ac.kr

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Ewha: Information on Campus Buildings and Shortcuts

Source: Ewha Womans University

Hello! In this post, I will be sharing about the various campus buildings and some shortcuts around the campus! Let’s begin!

The most iconic building on the Ewha campus is probably the Ewha Campus Complex (ECC). In the ECC, you can find amenities such as computer rooms, study rooms, the gym, convenience store, the bakery, the bank, the book store, restaurants, and a movie theater! The Office of International Affairs is also located in the ECC (ECC B329). The ECC also has classrooms and lecture theaters so you can say it’s a fairly busy place on the campus. From the ECC, you can get to the POSCO building, the Hak-gwan and the International Building (IEB) quite easily. These buildings including the ECC are where most of my classes are held.

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Ewha: Scholarships for Current Students

Source: Ewha Womans University


Hello! Welcome to another new post for the week. In this post, I will be sharing information on scholarships for current Ewha students. As you may know from my previous post on scholarships, when you are applying for admission to Ewha, the university may decide to award you some form of scholarship (such as ISS F4 and ISS HH1) based on your academic results and/or your Korean TOPIK level. This means that you cannot apply for these scholarships even if you’re a sophomore, junior or senior, since they are for freshmen students. However, do not feel disappointed if you do not receive these scholarships because the university does provide other kinds of scholarships for current students. Read on to find out more!

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